
CUSA17680 – ASIA Game : Lets – Zippy – 1File Update 1.10 : Lets – Zippy – 1File Update 1.10 (Fix 5.05) : Download Password: Languages: Chinese, Japanese ( Guide Download – Tool Download ) Thank @dorukhan CUSA17680 – ASIA Game + Update 1.10 : Zippy Update 1.10 (Fix 5.05) : Download Password: Languages: Chinese, Japanese ( Guide Download – Tool Download ) Follow the exploits of new series protagonist Ichiban Kasuga and his allies as a brand-new chapter begins in the town of Ijincho, Yokohama. Featuring the biggest and most outrageous story yet, Ryu Ga Gotoku 7: Hikari To Yami No Yukue includes an all-new “Live Command RPG Battle” system as well as all the quirky side-content that the series has become renowned for. Plz media fire this is game and another game TOKI ( fw 6.51 ) 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 Notes: This is a 5.05 backport for the japanese version of the game, i currently have some of the english files that i will try to patch into this version but no promises im not great at modding. The english version game cannot be dumped due to being fw 8.00! Waiting for EU 🙂 Ty!!!

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